Name: Cornerstone Presbyterian High School
Email address: therockjesus@gmail.com
Phone #: 6712615, 6709374
Location: Corozal
Address: Miles 74 ½ Mile Philip Goldson Highway
Level: Secondary
Grade Levels: Form 1-form 4
Areas of studies:
Business Studies
General Studies
Academic (Science) Studies
License #: 37101
Enrolment:204 (2020-2021)
Board Chair:
Name: Rev. Leogardo Catzim
Contact #: 6600518
Email Address: leocatzim@gmail.com
Name: Yadira Quintanilla
Contact #:6328553
Email Address: therockjesus@gmail.com
Administrators: 1
Teachers: 11
Reason for choosing Cornerstone: Cornerstone is organized as a ministry of the Presbyterian Church in Belize. It opened its door in 2003. Cornerstone serves the young people in the rural areas of the Corozal District. Cornerstone provides a holistic learning experience in which the students view the different area of studies using a Biblical worldview. Not only do we help our students grow academically but we also instill in them values and morals that will help them become productive citizens.
Principal’s remark: Cornerstone offers a Christ-centered education. We believe that ALL students are rationale creative beings made in God’s image and deserve an opportunity to have an education. The Cornerstone Staff is committed to work along with your child to help them excel academically and to instill in them lifelong values that will prepare them to positively impact their communities. Our curriculum engages the students to view the world using the Spectacle of God’s word and think Biblically about all of life.
About C.P.H.S
Cornerstone Presbyterian High School (CPHS) has been organized as a ministry of the Presbyterian Church in Belize. We hold to the reformed teaching of Scripture which affirms that the triune God is Sovereign King of the universe and that He has revealed Himself in creation and in the person of Jesus Christ in His Word, the Bible.
To inspire students to be responsible, lifelong learners and to excel using their God-given gifts.
Cornerstone Presbyterian High School exists to guide, prepare and motivate students through Christ-centered education to positively impact our communities and the world we serve.

Honesty: Do all work with honesty, because we are doing it for God's glory.
Effort: Use the gifts God has given us to the best of your ability, in accordance with God's will, as a good steward.
Respect: Treat all students and staff with the respect due someone made in God's image. Treat our own and others‟ property with respect.
Obedience: Joyfully obey those placed in authority over us.
Integrity: Use language and display character that is moral and consistent with the Christian basis of our school.
Servanthood: Be willing to serve others just as Christ served us.
“Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.”
Romans 12:2
Cornerstone Presbyterian High School holds to the doctrines of Scripture as set forth in the Westminster Confession of Faith.
WE BELIEVE THE BIBLE is the revealed, holy, infallible, and inerrant Word of God. It is our only authority for life, and is our rule of faith and practice.
WE BELIEVE GOD IS TRIUNE. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are together one God in three distinct persons (The Holy Trinity).
WE BELIEVE GOD IS SOVEREIGN. He is the supreme ruler, absolutely in control of everything, and sustains all things by His power.
WE BELIEVE GOD IS THE CREATOR. He created everything out of nothing and created man in His own image, giving him dignity and worth.
WE BELIEVE GOD IS THE SAVIOR. Before all time, God the Father chose those upon whom He would set His special love. He then sent His son to earth to die on a cross to save those whom He chose. The Holy Spirit applies the work of Christ to all who respond by faith, indwelling them upon conversion.
Christ for forgiveness, man is at enmity with God, deserving eternal damnation. Every part of man is affected by sin, rendering him unable to come to God apart from the regenerating work of the Holy Spirit.
WE BELIEVE ETERNAL LIFE IS OFFERED TO ALL MEN. The benefits of Christ's death are freely offered to all, and to those who respond by faith alone, the free gift of eternal life is given.
Student Life
The Cornerstone Hawks
We believe that our body is the temple of God, therefore our vision as a school is to use sports to reach out to our young students and help them develop athletic skills, team-work, service to others, responsibility, endurance, but most importantly praise God with their whole body.
Service opportunities
As Cornerstone seeks to guide and motivate our students to positively impact our communities and the world we serve, we strongly believe that service learning is an important aspect of education.
We therefore provide opportunities for our students to serve their peers, the school-community, Belize and the world at large as an expression of their love for God.
As a school community we provide the opportunity for our students and staff to worship and celebrate God’s faithfulness in our lives during our Tuesday Chapel.
Biblical Worldview Curriculum
Cornerstone’s Worldview Curriculum will encourage students to view all the world through the eyeglasses of the Word of God, to think Biblically about all of life. The Worldview Curriculum integrates subject matter across the disciplines.
In order to be promoted to the next grade level students:
Must pass English (Language Arts) with a minimum average of 70%.
Must pass Math with a minimum average of 70%.
Must not fail more than two subjects. (When determining pass or fail, the Technical Course will be counted for Forms 1-4.)
In order to be promoted to the next grade level or to graduate, students:
Must pass English (Language Arts) with a minimum average of 70%.
Must pass Math with a minimum average of 70%.
Must pass TWO (2) out of THREE (3) Major Subjects with a final average of 70%
Academic Major includes Biology, Chemistry, and Physics
Business Major includes Principles of Accounts, Principles of Business, and Human and Social Biology
Must not fail any more than two subjects. (When determining pass or fail, the Technical Course will be counted.)